Registered company
In the Modern World a Registered Company can Only give you the reliable business. Kashi EnterPrises is Registered Company and Providing Reliable Businesses to Each and Every Member
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Smart E Rozgar  is a Registered and Trusted Company that Provides Business to grow and Earn in Digital World. This Company has Business Plans through which Each and Every Member will be able to Earn a Good Amount on Monthly Basis.
In the Modern World a Registered Company can Only give you the reliable business. Kashi EnterPrises is Registered Company and Providing Reliable Businesses to Each and Every Member
Expert management Team is Connected with Our Company that Makes it easy for Everyone to get Business from SmartERozgar
Fully Secured System is built up for Each and Everyone.
You can request a Withdrawal and Your Request will be Approved and Amount will be transfered to your Account withing 30 Minutes.
Our Customer Support Team will available by 24/7 for your Help. You can text message on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook or Other Business Profiles of Company.
It is very Cruicial for Everyone to Invest like a Pro. For that Here is the Better Option for you (JazzCash, EasyPaisa, Bank Account or Binance). You can Easily Invest and Activate Plan
In the User Dashboard, We have enabled there the Payment Accounts (JazzCash, EasyPaisa, Binance, Bank). You can easily transfer money to One of that account and then Submit the Payment Form with the Screenshot of transaction.
For Withdrawal, you can submit the withdrawal form with Your Accurate Account Details for Payment. It will be approved and payment will be transfered to you with 30 minutes.
In the UserDashboard, FrontPage we've already added the block where You'll be able to see your Account Ballance.
We make it easy for you to refer someone. In the Dashboard there you will see your referral link. Just copy it and send to your friends and ask them to create account by using that link.
Yes, it is possible to End-up your Plan befire the Expiry but there is one condition. Our Company will deduct 20% fee from your Capital and rest will be transfered to your account.
Username | Date | Amount | Gateway |
us**** | 2025-08-10 | 5000 PKR | EasyPaisa |
Ar**** | 2025-08-22 | 50,000 PKR | Bank |
us**** | 2025-09-03 | 25,000 PKR | Bank |
Ras**** | 2025-09-05 | 1,00,000 PKR | Bank |
Sar**** | 2025-09-12 | 5000 PKR | JazzCash |
Son*** | 2025-09-13 | 10,000 PKR | EasyPaisa |
Am*** | 2025-09-19 | 15,000 PKR | EasyPaisa |
Name | Date | Amount | Gateway |
us*** | 2025-09-11 | 1500 PKR | EasyPaisa |